Recently I had the unfortunate luck to be the receiving end of the boss' wrath. The best part was I was set up. By whom, you might ask. Well, here's the story..
I happen to find out that a colleague is to be transferred to a place at the other end of her hometown. Being single, it is like a process of natural selection to be rid of her to make way for the new and stronger. But in my opinion, why transfer someone who is in her prime, still dedicated and committed to her profession and replace her with a junior who is, in my opinion, worthless and with an attitude to boot!
So, being the senior officer, I thought of going to put in a good word for the colleague who is now (I heard) crying her eyes out. After a short and animated discussion with another senior officer (too many of those in this organisation), I was referred to the BIG BOSS - literally.
Ok... not too happy with that development. And then I got news that this colleague decided to ask for a month's extension and not appeal after all. Fine, that's good that she acquiesced to the needs of the organisation.
Next day, that senior officer told me that if I want to plead my case, come on down; the boss is in. Er... I said, that's ok, she decided to go after all. have to see him if you want to luahkan perasaan... nanti senang you. Tak apalah... I rasa tak nak jumpa boss. Eh... datang, boss ada ni. So what was I to do?
I got into his inner sanctum with his trusted accomplice (the said senior officer) and before I could finish my sentence he started cursing me.... "keputusan untuk pindahkan sapa-sapa adalah hak aku sebagai pengarah! Engko sapa nak masuk campur? kerja engko jaga content, bukan jaga c***u! Engko pun aku boleh pindahkan kalau aku tak suka engko!!" "KPI engko tu engko jaga, ini bukan scope engko. Dah, end of story!! Jangan tanya-tanya lagi" etc...etc...
My answers were,"Thank you for that clarification and yes saya tahu saya boleh dipindahkan." Thank you and I walked out....
Begitulah kawan-kawan. Pada sesiapa yang mengenali my bos, benda ni tak heran...
Have a good weekend. HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Full Interview with Free Malaysia Today
6 months ago
a'ah la..Harry Potter is here again..kekeke
nway, i hope u and your beloved family will enjoy the show..
bout work...leave at the punch card each day ya!...( cheh - ckp pandai kan?!)
kak han, in this world, memang ramai yg akan dengki dengan kita... especially yg kaki ampu....
Harry Potter ATHBP was not as exciting as the earlier ones. But the pre, while and post events made the outing most interesting....
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